Give yourself a head start on your gardening this year by choosing to grow from food scraps versus seed. Not only will you save a little money along the way, but there is something fulfilling about bringing commonly discarded food waste back to life. Here is a look at the 8 more common scraps you can regrow. Keep in mind that using organic fruits and vegetables will yield the best results.
1. Green Onions/Lemongrass
Place roots in the water and change water daily. It can take several days before growth begins. Simply cut off what you need without wasting any unnecessary food.
2. Cabbage/Romaine Lettuce
Submerge the roots leaving the top above the water line. Spray with water a couple times a week, making sure to replace the water every few days. It may take a week to see new growth. Plant the roots into the soil, making sure to place the leaves on top. Harvest at full growth in 5 months.
3. Ginger
Soak the ginger chunk in water overnight before submerging in moist soil. Keep watering until shoots appear. It may take a year before it is ready to harvest. Simply remove the entire place and use what is needed before repeating.
4. Onion
Plant the root end of the onion and lightly cover with soil and keep moist. When new onions start to appear, simply separate, keeping the roots attached and plant separately. Occasionally cut down the leaves to promote full growth, taking approximately 5 months to reach maturity.
5. Garlic
The larger the clove, the larger the resulting bulb. Sit new a sunny window, keeping the soil moist until new bulbs appear. It can take until early summer to harvest with a bottom of a third of the leaves have yellowed.
6. Mushroom
Using a mixture of soil and compost, place the mushroom stalk into the soil, leaving the surface exposed. When new growth appears, simply cut, harvest and repeat.
7. Potatoes
Simply cut the potatoes into several pieces, ensuring there are one to two eyes noticeable on it. These should be placed at room temperature for a few days until dry. Planting a foot apart in soil, place the pieces 8 inches in depth, leaving a 4 inch deep hole. The plant can grow to be about 6 inches tall. For sweet potatoes, store in a warm, dry place for two week before using.
8. Pineapple
Slice the top of the green and leafy top of the pineapple, removing all fruit. Place in water for two weeks for roots to be formed. Growth happens in the first few months but it may take two to three years before it is ready to harvest.