Not everyone can fit the cut and paste mold when it comes to time management practices. The best time management strategies are effective when they are designed to fit your individual personality such as outlined below.
The Social Person
Also known as the typical social butterfly, this individual is outgoing and enjoys being around people. While they may be considered to be natural collaborators, distraction can easily occur. However, the social person should focus on a more interactive environment and look towards group orientated goals and tasks.
The Driven Person
This person is normally comfortable in social situations but is driven by ambition and focused on tackling important tasks. This type of person is also self sufficient and motivated. However, this can also become considered as a weakness if assistance is not sought as needed. Drivers are good at individual tasks that require persistence but do not response well to an authoritarian directed mandate.
The Professor
The personality related to the professor can provide a more balanced approach to work and problem solving. Considered to be a solid good communicator and self sufficient, they move to complete tasks to satisfy intellectual curiosity. The professor can also be known to snub their nose to duties that are considered below their intelligence. This individual needs to seek order and balance to their time management approach, focusing on tasks that are challenging but in their expertise.
The Creative Person
The creative individual loves to discover, be creative, and easily adapts to their environment. This individual’s strengths are less structured and move in a continual path to find ways around roadblocks. The most challenges in time management exist in procedures and detail work that can disrupt the creative individual’s progress. Creative individuals need to be provided more freedom in their work process with deadlines left to adhere to while fostering an environment that allows their creative abilities to shine.
The Philosopher
The philosopher is also known as the thinker. Focused on logical thinking and a variety of cultures, this individual can embrace many concepts and integrate different opinions to arrive at a unique solution. Deadlines may be missed, but these individual’s look at a
variety of options and not as focused on a goal. With the different forms of knowledge, progress updates are required to ensure focus is maintained throughout their project or task.