Making a fun and simple paper mache volcano is just one way to get kids to interact and learn about the world they live in. With a few simple home ingredients and a little time and creativity, you too can make a paper mache volcano. Check out these easy to follow instructions on how to make a paper mache volcano as demonstrated by Whimsy Paper Mache.
1. Create the Base.
To get started, create the volcano armature. Use cardboard for the base and bottles to form your volcano. Tape the bottles into place. These will form the center of your volcanoes.
2. Build the Mountain.
Use newspaper to create the cone and shape of the mountain. Crumble the newspaper and place around the soda bottle. Use tape to attach everything down to the base.
3. Construct Top Layer of Paper Mache.
Mold the top layer by taking strips of newspaper and laying across the top of the crumbled framework to create a smooth top surface with your own handmade paper mache paste. This paste is created with flour, water, and a pinch of salt.
Cover the bottom of your base with one layer of newspaper strips and cover the top armature with a minimum of five layers upwards to ten of paper mache paste and strips. The more layers added, the stronger your volcano form will be.
Paste Ingredients
1 Cup Flour
2 Cups Cool Water
Pinch of Salt
Pour all of your ingredients into a bowl and mix together a whisk. Mixture should be creamy, not watery. If too watery, add more flour until you reach your desired consistency.
4. Paint and Decorate
Once dried, use acrylic paint and create your desired details to make your volcano look realistic.
5. Create Volcano Eruption Mixture
Fill each bottle most of the way full with water and a bit of red food color to create your red lava.
Ingredients Needed
Baking Soda
Dish-washing Detergent
Food Color
Warm Water
Steps to Create the Eruption
Water and Food Color
Use an empty bottle to mix the water, food color, and baking soda together. Use a funnel to pour into the mouths of the volcano. Drop in the detergent drops for a volcano effect.
Dish Soap
Add 6 drops of detergent to each volcano after you have filled it with your water mixture. The detergent will cause it to form out looking like lava.
Baking Soda
Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to the contents for the small 16 oz. bottle and 8 tablespoons for the 2 liter bottle.
The more baking soda and vinegar that you add the better the volcanic eruption will be. Slowly pour vinegar into the bottle and Watch the eruption!
Science Behind The Experiment
The chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar caused the volcano eruption. Carbon dioxide gas is produced and pressure builds up inside the plastic bottle until the gas bubbles out of the volcano.